New school looking to join the Trust
Oakmeadow CE Primary and Nursery School, located in Bayston Hill, is looking to join the Marches Aca - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 7th February 2020, under Grangeadmin
Primary Varsity Tournament
Pupils from across the primary schools within The Marches Academy Trust along with invited primary s - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 22nd January 2020, under Uncategorised
Whitchurch 10k is fast approaching
The fourth Sir John Talbot’s Whitchurch 10K road race is fast approaching and takes place on Sunda - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 16th January 2020, under Grangeadmin
Christmas Card Competition
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas and as such, the pupils here at The Grange have recent - read morePosted by LowerHeath on 17th December 2019, under Uncategorised
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